1000 Lives Demo

From Life After BOB Wiki
Revision as of 01:25, 3 June 2021 by Avataris (talk | contribs)

1000 Lives Demo is a failed Wavyverse neural app demonstration developed by Zoroaster (Z) presented at ZIM Retreat on New Years Eve 2074. It marked the last attempt by Z to steer his company into a new spiritual direction. According to the official press release, 1000 Lives Demo is not considered affiliated with Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM) in any way.


The 1000 Lives candidates selected for the demo were Chalice Wong of The Chalice Study, Z's niece and Affirmation BOB influencer Princess Wendy, Orlando de Blair and Task BOB influencer Commander Alan.


explain what it was suppose to do. A result of Z's recent post Act2 search. the turtle's brain as host demo bobs are hacks of task bob

The Permadroned Years

Due to a series of unfortunate events, 1000 Lives Demo candidate Chalice Wong became unintentionally trapped inside the demo while being droned by her Destiny BOB, also known as Chyna Horchow. According to an anonymous witness, Dr. James Moonweed Wong may have been the sole reason behind the demo's catastrophic failure. This disaster lead to Chairman Ava ousting Z from ZIM with a unanimous vote by the ZIM Boardmembers.

Present Day

The 1000 Lives Demo was refactored by Chalice Wong in 2084 into a new Destiny BOB-adjacent project 1000 Plots.