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From Life After BOB Wiki
"Think of all the little troubles that gripped you at every age. You survived them. But you didn’t have enough info or ability to act on them then. They took a backseat to your prime path. Lost in your body. Buried in the logs. *Boo!* Those little subplots are reborn you’s waiting to come alive again! If only you could surface their story - you’d be rich with lives to walk. *voila* Now you can."

– Zoroaster (Z)

Subplots are every path outside an individual’s Prime Path. The term was coined by Zoroaster (Z) to refer to the unlived paths in one’s life. This may include Life paths put on pause during one’s youth, as well as Life paths that have been undertaken, but that have not been integrated into an individual’s identity. Subplots can be identified and collected from one’s Life log and stored as data in the brains of other sentient organisms.

1000 Lives Demo

Z infamously stored his subplot data in the brain of a tortoise for his 1000 Lives Demo. It was developed to search an individual's Life logs and highlight one's subplots through a form of simulated experiential exposure therapy.

1000 Plots

Chalice Wong debuted 1000 Plots in 2084. Available only to participants who volunteer their own life logs, it provides candidates with the opportunity to experiment with multiple Life paths beyond what might be considered their Prime Path.