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|image=Zoroaster seq200.png
|Birth name=Zoroaster Kim
|Related to=[[Princess Wendy]] (niece)
|Chosen name=Z Prime
|Lucky cursed=Lucky
|Script position=Winner
|Bob=Demo BOBs
|Comfort food=Classic beef
|Occupation by design=Visionary
|Motto="I barely run my own company"
|Current occupation=ZIM founder and CEO
|Aspirational occupation=monk
|Marital status=?
|Previous marriages=?
|Times reincarnated=1001
|Current life stage=Act2
|Current life stage crossing=Act2 Lightening
|Seven tortures to date=Lamb Bone Choking Incident, ZIM Board Mutiny
|Blood Type=?
|Nicknames/previous names=?
{{#invoke:Protection banner|main|small=yes}}
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Zoroaster (Z) is the founder and CEO of [[Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM)]], a [[Life path]] company and [[Wavecasting | Wavecast]] media empire. He is credited with the rapid advancement and popularization of [[Wavyverse]] cognitive applications.
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==Early Life==
At the age of nine, he successfully rewired the nervous system of a lizard.
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In 2038, Z founded ZIM producing luxury [[Lizard Lounger | Lizard Loungers]]. Following the rapid worldwide adoption of the Wavyverse, Z pivoted the company into [[Wavecasting]], unleashing a wide-ranging ecosystem of neural and cognitive app suites including ZIM [[Learning educational modules]], and [[Bag Of Beliefs (BOB)]].
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Over the years, Z has survived many attempted cancellations by [[humanistas]], who regard him as the prime accelerant of human obsolescence.
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Following the successful initial public offering of ZIM in 2072, Z took a spiritual turn. Disinterested in his duties as CEO, he became preoccupied with long-abandoned pet projects including affordable Lizard Loungers and [[1000 Lives Demo | 1000 Lives]]. His increasingly eccentric [[Act Two]] behavior—characterized by free and conscious rewritings of his own life script— distressed [[Chairman Ava]] and [[ZIM board members]].
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Following a disastrous [[1000 Lives Demo]] at the ZIM Emergency Summit on [[New Years Eve 2074]], Z was unanimously voted out of his own company. His following years of exile remain undocumented. Z made a brief puzzling appearance at the [[Double Destiny Wedding]] in 2084, disrupting the long delayed launch of Destiny BOB.
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Latest revision as of 13:17, 28 February 2023

Zoroaster (Z) is the founder and CEO of Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM), a Life path company and Wavecast media empire. He is credited with the rapid advancement and popularization of Wavyverse cognitive applications.

Early Life

At the age of nine, he successfully rewired the nervous system of a lizard.


In 2038, Z founded ZIM producing luxury Lizard Loungers. Following the rapid worldwide adoption of the Wavyverse, Z pivoted the company into Wavecasting, unleashing a wide-ranging ecosystem of neural and cognitive app suites including ZIM Learning educational modules, and Bag Of Beliefs (BOB).


Over the years, Z has survived many attempted cancellations by humanistas, who regard him as the prime accelerant of human obsolescence.

Following the successful initial public offering of ZIM in 2072, Z took a spiritual turn. Disinterested in his duties as CEO, he became preoccupied with long-abandoned pet projects including affordable Lizard Loungers and 1000 Lives. His increasingly eccentric Act Two behavior—characterized by free and conscious rewritings of his own life script— distressed Chairman Ava and ZIM board members.

Following a disastrous 1000 Lives Demo at the ZIM Emergency Summit on New Years Eve 2074, Z was unanimously voted out of his own company. His following years of exile remain undocumented. Z made a brief puzzling appearance at the Double Destiny Wedding in 2084, disrupting the long delayed launch of Destiny BOB.

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