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See [[Destiny BOB Lifelog Patch (Chalice)]]: The Life Log Patch was created by [[Dr. James Moonweed Wong]] for his daughter [[Chalice Wong]], who experienced severe [[atemporalysis]] as a result of being [[Permadrone|permadroned]] by her [[Destiny BOB]] for ten years. Like software patches, which provide updated corrections to address bugs or design flaws, the [[Destiny BOB Lifelog Patch (Chalice)|Life log Patch]] corrects the unanticipated problems left by Destiny BOB [[Permadrone|permadrone]]. Chalice’s Life Log Patch consists of a handpicked selection of memories from the life lived by Chalice’s Destiny BOB [[Chyna Horchow]] during [[The Permadroned Years]]. The insertion of those memories produces an artificially coherent story of Chalice from ages 10 to 20. However, this coherence leaves Chalice in a state of [[Anomics|anomie]], suggesting it is life’s messy [[Subplots]] that are the raw motivational material for fermenting new plans. [[Category: Artifacts]][[Category: Objects]]