2,072 bytes added
, 03:45, 7 May 2021
| image=Zoroaster.png
| Birth name=Zoroaster
| Birthday=January 22, 2023
| Starsign=Aquarius
| Age=50
| Blood Type=
| Element=Fire
| Related to=Father:
| Chosen name= Z
| Nicknames/previous names=
| Parental script=
| Lucky/cursed=Lucky
| Script position=Winner
| Openness=10
| Conscientiousness=9
| Extraversion=7
| Agreeableness=5
| Neuroticism=5
| Bob=Demo BOBs
| Comfort food= Classic food
| Occupation by design= Visionary
| Motto=
| Current occupation= ZIM CEO
| Aspirational occupation= Prophet
| Children=
| Marital status=
| Previous marriages=
| Times reincarnated=1001
| Current life stage=
| Current life stage crossing=
| Seven tortures to date= Ousted by the ZIM Board
| Neo-archetype=
| details=Zoroaster is the founder and CEO of [[Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM)]], and a visionary pioneer of neural augmentation. He is credited with the rapid advancement and commercialization of [[programming wetware]].
| early life=At the age of nine, Z goes viral for his groundbreaking [[neural grafting]] experimentation with lizards.
Z established Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM) in 2038. His company became renowned for its invention of [[Bag Of Beliefs (BOB)]] - a class of artificial sub-personality. The BOB assets promise to guide humans through life’s psychological challenges. The three existing classes of BOBs are the [[Task BOB]], the [[Affirmation BOB]] and [[Destiny BOB]].
On [[New Years Eve 2074]], [[Zoroaster]] invites [[Chalice Wong]], his niece [[Princess Wendy]], [[Commander Alan]] and [[Orlando de Blair]] to take part in the [[1000 Lives]] demo, during which unfortunate events lead to [[Chairman AVA]] ousting him from [[Zoroaster Immeasurables (ZIM)]] with a unanimous vote by the [[ZIM Boardmembers]].
==Image Gallery==
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